You need to stop carrying the cards with you. You may
choose to carry one card for emergencies (like paying the tow truck when your
car breaks down), but only if you will not use it for other expenses. Simply
not having the option to use your cards will help you to stop using them. Once
you have paid them off you may want to close your credit cards. You
do not need a credit card because most things can be paid by debit card or cash,
even on line.
Make your credit cards hard to access. Freezing them in a
big block of ice is really not that bad an idea, but don’t forget to delete the
numbers from your on line stores memories, which will make it harder to shop
there as well. Save money for an emergency fund,
so that you do not need to use your credit cards during an emergency. Until you
are out of debt an emergency fund of about $1000.00 should cover most
emergencies, and after you are out of debt, an emergency fund
of three to six months of expenses should be enough.
Make a plan to get out of debt
and stay out of debt. Getting out of debt will free
up money so that you can cover your needs, and have money left over for your
wants. This is a huge step in getting ahead financially, and you will be amazed
at the freedom it affords you.
You will feel better about the future and the
opportunity it can have for you. The decreased stress will be great for your
personal health and well-being.
You can contact Susan and she will help you put a
plan in motion.
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