Sunday 3 January 2016

Hello!  I’ve been away for a while.  I haven’t been out of the country, just busy doing other things.  Money will always be an important part of life so we cannot forget about it.  I haven’t forgotten about money or you.
Sometimes we have major events in our life that change our direction. These events can change our values, or help us discover what our values really are.  When was the last time you looked at some of your basic values?  Have they changed over the last few years?   Last year I took a job in a new town.  I knew I would miss my daughter and my close friends, but I didn’t realize how much until I was in my new home.
Over the last year I’ve spent money and time to be with the family and friends I left behind, and both have been well spent.  I haven’t used extra money to make this happen; instead I’ve directed money from other things.  I do this because I truly value their love, friendship and support.   This past summer I made a trip to a music festival to hear the performers, but mostly to spend time with two friends.  Because of forest fires, there were closures on my regular route.  The alternate highway was busy and slow moving, and now included a ferry ride.  The additional traffic resulted in a three-ferry wait in 34oC weather - with no shade.  During the last stretch of highway, the weather changed dramatically, and I was now driving through a hailstorm.  Nine hours after leaving home, I finally arrived at the music festival.  I could have turned back at any time, but I wasn’t willing to give up spending the weekend with friends. 
This is the type of effort we’ll make for something that we value. Take a look at your values; is that where you’re spending your time and money?
Make a commitment to live your values.

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