Sunday 9 October 2011

So , how did it go?

So how did that go, any new thoughts or realizations? I am sure some of you were surprised at how much or how little you spent on the small stuff. How about your state of mind, were you able to separate the state of mind about money from the actual money? Do you think you could be happy even if the debt is still there?
Now I am no psychologist but I know that how we feel about things has more to do with what we think about them than any thing else. As an example, which I think many of you can relate to, you get a rip in a brand new pair of hose (they were expensive too) and it up sets you because it is money wasted. You will be late for the meeting because you have to buy a new pair on the way.  Now you can choose to dwell on that and tell your story all day or decide to “be prepared “. Start to store an extra pair in your desk at work and you may want to ask some one to smooth off the corner of the desk where you got the snag. Then get on with it and enjoy the rest of the day. Do you see the difference, one person just pouts and does nothing to fix the situation and the next solves the problem and enjoys the rest of the day?  Not all issues are this simple but they work on the same principle. So what will be you attitude about the money in your life? Fix the situation you are in or just pout about it?
The attitude is up to you but I can give you some tip on how to help pay down the debt or save for that rainy day. That is where this “latte factor “will help to free up some cash. Now if you are not spending any thing on the small stuff I say let go and live a little, if the budget allows some freedom.  If not , water and air are basically free.

Please work your own out in the same style. Or just use the total amount for the week
Lunch out
Friday Drinks
Saturday Brunch

I don’t know about you but $74 dollars is more money than I want to spend on the small stuff each week. You may think this is high but if you were to track it for a year this is not all that far out as Christmas lunches, birthday event etc… etc... etc… all add up. 
Look at this as a yearly value.  $74 X 50 weeks (2 weeks vacation) = $3700. Now I don’t want you to stop having fun but pick a loan / card and pay a little extra each week.
Here are some changes you can make and still not feel deprived.
  1. Buy a coffee press and good coffee or tea and make your own. The cost is about $6 per week  for a saving of $12
  2. Go out for lunch 1 day a week for $12 and save $18
  3.  Saturday Brunch only on payday Saturday. $6 savings week if you get paid ever 2 weeks
  4. Drinks only now and then, say one time a month. Save $10 a week.

Still having fun and enjoying some of the little pleasure but saving at the same time. The amount you will save every week will be $46 dollars and leaves you $24 to have for the small stuff.
Now pick the loan or credit card with the highest rate of interest and pay this $46 each week. Do each it week or all of it on pay day. Don’t wait to the end of the month the money will not be there.

PS some thing does not become a habit until you have done it thirty times. Hard work but the pay off is great. 
comments welcome

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