Monday 16 January 2012

Build Relationships not Debt

Wow another year! How time flies!

While you were reflecting on 2011 and making plans for this year, did you take into account the things that you most value and the principles around that value? If you put relationships at the top of your list of values, does your plan for this year reflect that value? 

I like to use the example of relationships because this value is an important one for most of us.  The number one way that we build relationships is by spending time with people.  For most women, the most important relationship is family, a spouse, children or siblings. Whichever relationship it is, they are all built the same way with time. I understand that you need to work, and often work hard it you are a one parent family, but remember that after shelter, food, clothing, and maybe education and health care, everything else is an extra.

Stress and depression are two significant consequences of value-poor spending. These health conditions impact negatively on relationships with other people family, friends, co-workers, and everyone with whom we connect. The idea is to spend time not money.

Great, now how do you do this? First, an example of what not to do: if you bought the kids new electronic gadgets for Christmas, you are now working hard to pay off the credit card and are away from the house working all that overtime. I have a couple of suggestions. Get out the deck of cards or a board game they are inexpensive and you spend time with people. Turn off the TV (save electricity)and go for walk first, it helps with your personal wellbeing (exercise), second, it improves the relationship with the person you are walking with as you  will be forced to talk if you leave all the electronic gadgets at home. You know those people you have been thinking of having over for dinner or coffee? Well, just do it. It is less expensive to have friends   in than to go out. Entertaining in your home is fun. Don’t worry about having a perfect house, most people are like you, and all they want are close friends who care.

Taking time for friends will bring you more contentment than anything you can buy. Keep your money in your pocket and your friends close at hand.

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