Tuesday 14 February 2012


As we move into the second month of the year I want to explore the value of freedom. When I use this word I am using it with this meaning: the state of being unaffected by, or not subject to, something unpleasant or unwanted, unrestricted. If this is a value you have high on your list of importance, how are you doing at creating a life of freedom for yourself? People perceive value and treat money differently.  Regardless of how you interact with it, money and your financial circumstances play a major role in your life. Money can provide security, freedom and power, and lack of it can leave you feeling inadequate and trapped in undesirable circumstances.

Acceptance, rather than avoidance, decreases the intensity of your emotional reaction to money. You can make a choice and turn towards, rather than away from, your money challenges. Changing your financial situation requires a willingness to look at all the ways you sabotage your financial stability. Being willing to look at these issues is liberating. In that moment of saying “yes, I am willing to look at this”, one becomes energized, motivated, and powerful. You become a person standing in your power around money. The more you are willing to go deeper, to peel back the layers of your money BS, the greater the transformation.

If you are one of those people feeling inadequate and trapped in undesirable circumstances, you’re certainly not living the life of freedom. If one of the major causes of your feeling trapped is financial, than maybe it’s time to look at your spending and money attitudes.  How do you think about money? Afraid there will never be enough? Worried others have more? If you fear not having enough to make debt payments, make a budget and live by it. Put away the credit cards.  I know you are not keen on this but, it is better than the alternative – fear of complete financial ruin.

There are many different ways to budget. If you would like some assistance in this area, please contact me by email. womenswealthness@live.com

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