Friday 25 May 2012

The Struggle Between Happiness and Money

What part of the financial world has the most potential to derail a person’s personal finances?  Is it political or economical?  No . . . I believe that the greatest threat to a person’s financial happiness and well-being is ego. Ego is the habitual and compulsive thought process that goes through everybody's mind continuously.  Left unchecked, this constant ego monologue prevents us from focusing on the present moment, and instead we are caught up in worrying about what happens next.  Or what we want to buy next.
Money is often the perceived stumbling block that prevents us from being totally satisfied with our present reality.  The ego wants things in our life to happen a certain way, and a specific image to be presented.  This leads to the belief that if we get the right things, position and status, we’ll be happy.  It maps out a perfect script for us to follow for the perfect life.  Allowing our ego to take over will never bring us closer to financial happiness or acceptance of financial mistakes.  The ego relies on each of us feeling like the donkey with the carrot attached to the stick just a little bit ahead of him.  The ego forces us to focus on the way things should be, and leaves us constantly dissatisfied with current conditions.  Financial happiness depends on our ability to stay present in the moment.  Rather than obsessing on how things are supposed to go, we instead accept that events are unfolding as they are, and use that as our starting point.
There is no specific thing or position that we need to help define who we are in this world, or help us achieve financial happiness.  The moment we let go, we are freed to explore a more affordable life.
 If you would like to work with Susan on a personal financial assessment contact her at 250-808-3214 or at

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